Sunday, September 22, 2013

New project: Ember the Dragon Plushie

    I've been working on making a plushie of Ember the Dragon, my original creation.

 I used this tutorial to make the pattern for my plushie :

  I built up the form using newspaper and masking tape and instead of using clear plastic wrap, like the tutorial said to use, I cut up a plastic grocery bag and pieced it together to fit around the armature. I made the pattern for one half of the plushie like the tutorial said to do for a symmetrical plushie.

 Here are all the finished pattern pieces, and the fleece fabric for the main body.

  I cut out all the pieces. I used scraps of white fabric for the horns and claws and went to the thrift store and bought a silver shirt for the fabric for the wings and belly. :)

  I just finished embroidering both the eyes of my plushie. I haven't started sewing yet.

  I get easily distracted when it comes to crafting, I need the motivation or someone to remind me to finish my work. I just really like starting new projects! I lost track of how many projects are waiting to be finished. It's not that I don't finish what I start, its just without motivation I take a long time to complete things.
  So if you read this and like my work, please remind me in the comments to complete my other projects if I haven't shown you the finished product already. I need other people to motivate me.
  Thanks for reading!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Shadow Link Master Sword - Finished!

Finished! After 37 hours and 52 minutes (I kept track in my log book) it's finally done!


 He requested the gem on the sword and the markings on the sheath to be red.

 Here is the reference picture I used for sheath markings.

Please post a comment, let me know what think! I'm thinking about taking commissions after I finish the shield, but it may take longer with the school year approaching. I give special discounts to special friends :) .

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Shadow Link Master Sword - Details, making the sheath, and preparing for paint

 I gave myself a deadline of tomorrow to finish the sword and sheath. It's almost complete, I was just too busy working on it to post anything. But I'll take the time to post while the paint is drying. I won't post the completed sword until Saturday. I'm just going to post the pictures as I'm not that good at writing descriptions.


That's it for now.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Shadow Link Master Sword continued... Start of the shield and a sneak peak at my next project

I've been busy the past week. I worked in stages, doing a little bit at a time so I didn't have enough done to post each time I finished. So I waited until I had a decent amount finished before I posted.
Here we go

First I drew the Triforce symbol on the appropriate part of the blade.
 Then I passed my crafting knife over the lines.
 I used a pen...

 and engraved the symbol on the blade.
 Then I took the cardboard tube I cut out from the previous post and taped it in place.
Here is a close up picture of the actual hilt.
 I did a lot of crumpling paper and taping to get all those little details on both sides. I didn't make that little gem thing in the middle yet.
 After that I paper mached the entire sword.
Note: I use a lot of odd items for tool instead of my actual tools, I'm just too lazy to get up to get them ;P
  I used my favorite tool to put the paper mache into the engraved part of the sword.
 I stuck some wire in handle for stability and stuffed newspaper to keep it in place. I left some extra wire sticking out for the pommel.
 This is what the sword looks like at the moment.
While the paper mache was drying on the sword I started working on the shield.

 Please don't ask me how I got the cardboard like this (I know quite a few of my friends would ask anyway), I did it a few years ago, I forgot.

I then taped on the back of my chair to get the correct curve. I haven't done it yet but I'm going to paper mache it so it retains the curve.

And thanks to the help of my best friend for suggestions and ideas for this next project. I'm not going to tell you what it is until its finished.